Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Admin with only inlines, no fields

I need to present an admin form that has no fields from the model and
only offers admin inlines.

class AptTranslationForm(DefaultModelForm):

class Meta:
model = AptTranslation

class AptTranslationsAdmin(models.Admin):

inlines = [AptTranslation_Inline,]

fields = []

the empty fields list is ignored and the admin delivers all fields
from the model

class AptTranslationsAdmin(models.Admin):

inlines = [AptTranslation_Inline,]

fieldsets = []

same thing, all fields are shown

class AptTranslationsAdmin(models.Admin):

inlines = [AptTranslation_Inline,]

fieldsets = ( ("",{'fields':[]}), )

this displays as wished (with a barely visible grouping at the top),
but always returns an error on save:

Please correct the errors below.

but no errors are listed.

class AptTranslationsAdmin(models.Admin):

inlines = [AptTranslation_Inline,]

fields = ['headline']
readonly_fields = ['headline']

same as above: Please correct the errors below,
but no errors are shown

I also tried using a dummy form class, but an empty field list is not
respected there either

thanks for any help

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