Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Mysql DB local socket access errors with mod_wsgi


I'm trying to setup a django production environment with mod_wsgi, and
a local mysql which I want to connect via the socket file.

Without wsgi the app runs and connects to the database.

When running it via wsgi, I get:


(2002, "Can't connect to local MySQL server through socket
'/var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock' (13)")

It might be relevant that I'm running the app and the db in Docker
containers, sharing the directory with the socket file in between
them. On the other hand, as running the app manually with runserver
works well, I guess it must be something else.

I tried every imaginable configuration, from the simplest described in
to just about anything described there, the socket file defintely
exists at this path, and I also tried to explicitly allow apache
access with a directory/files directive in apache - no success.

Any ideas?

Henning Sprang

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