Saturday, May 30, 2020

Good usage of native JSON functions and operators in ORM queries


I have a model MyModel which has a JSONField() called 'snapshot'. In Python terms, each snapshot looks like this:

snapshot = {
    'pay_definition' : {
        '1234': {..., 'name': 'foo', ...},
        '99': {..., 'name': 'bar', ...},

I'd like to find all unique values of 'name' in all instances of MyModel. I have this working using native JSON functions like this:

   class PayDefs(Func):  
.values_list('xxx', flat=True)

My question is if this the best way to solve this problem? The way my current logic works, reading from insider out is, I think:
  1. Pass in the 'snapshot'.
  2. Since 'snapshot' is a JSON field, "->'pay_definition'" traverses this key.
  3. To skip the unknown numeric keys, "jsonb_each()" turns each key, value pair into an inner row like ['1234', {...}].
  4. To get to the value column of the inner row "row_to_json()->'value'".
  5. To get the name field's value "->'name'".
  6. A final call to "to_jsonb" in the PayDefs class.
For example, since all I care about is the string value of 'name', is there a way to get rid of the PayDefs class, and its invocation of to_jsonb? Likewise, is there a better way to do the inner parts? To provide context on what "better" might be:
  • Snapshot JSONs might easily be 20MB in size.
  • Each 'pay_definition' is probablyonly about 1kB in size, and there might be 50 of them in a snapshot.
  • There might be 1000 MyModel instances in a given query.
  • I'm using PostgreSQL 12
so my concern is not have the database server or Django perform extraneous work converting between strings and JSON for example.

Thanks, Shaheed

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