Well thank you so much for this...I really appreciate..let me try it and I will let you know
On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 03:12 Gabriel Araya Garcia, <gabrielaraya2011@gmail.com> wrote:
In top of views files (views.py) you must put:import openpyxlfrom openpyxl import Workbookfrom openpyxl.styles import Alignment,Border,Font,PatternFill,Sidefrom openpyxl.styles import colorsfrom openpyxl.styles import Font, Color,Fillfrom openpyxl.styles.borders import BORDER_THINfrom openpyxl.drawing.image import Image as XLIMG...and the view which prepare the excel out, you should review this example:# CARTOLA DE RECAUDACION en excel@login_required(login_url='login_ini')def acsv(request):nom_arch = nombrearch() # Se forma string para nombre de archivo excelstring_nombre = 'pac'+nom_archquery = Pauta_aux.objects.all().order_by('rut') # viene filtrada x rango de fechareg_x = 0if query:for fech_x in query:reg_x = reg_x + 1else:# estas dos instrucciones van juntas siempremessages.error(request, "No existen movimientos que mostrar !!")return redirect("info")mes_x = fechapautas.strftime('%m')ano_x = fechapautas.strftime('%Y')fecha_ini = str(ano_x)+"-"+str(mes_x).zfill(2)+"-01 00:00:00"#total dias del mestotdias = calendar.monthrange(int(ano_x),int(mes_x))[1]fecha_fin = str(ano_x)+"-"+str(mes_x).zfill(2)+"-"+str(totdias)+" 00:00:00"wb = Workbook()ws = wb.create_sheet("hoja1",0)ws.column_dimensions['A'].width = 5ws.column_dimensions['B'].width = 12 # rut pacientews.column_dimensions['C'].width = 36 # nombre pacientews.column_dimensions['D'].width = 17 # fechaws.column_dimensions['E'].width = 11 # rut cuid.ws.column_dimensions['F'].width = 23 # nombre cuidadorws.column_dimensions['G'].width = 12 # tipo cuidadorws.column_dimensions['H'].width = 11 # rut cuid.ws.column_dimensions['I'].width = 23 # nombre cuidadorws.column_dimensions['J'].width = 12 # tipo cuidadorws.column_dimensions['K'].width = 11 # rut cuid.ws.column_dimensions['L'].width = 23 # nombre cuidadorws.column_dimensions['M'].width = 12 # tipo cuidadorws.column_dimensions['Q'].width = 12 # rut cuid.ws.column_dimensions['R'].width = 14# nombre cuidadorws.column_dimensions['S'].width = 12 # tipo cuidadorws.column_dimensions['T'].width = 14 # tipo cuidadorr=4 # posicion de la primera filaws.cell(row=r-3,column=2).value = "CARTOLA DE RECAUDACION"ws.cell(row=r-3,column=7).value = "1=Contratado"ws.cell(row=r-2,column=7).value = "2=Extra"ws.cell(row=r-3,column=20).value = "1=Normal"ws.cell(row=r-2,column=20).value = "2=Domingo"ws.cell(row=r-1,column=20).value = "3=Festivo"ws.cell(row=r,column=2).value = "Rut paciente"ws.cell(row=r,column=3).value = "Paciente"ws.cell(row=r,column=4).value = "Fecha pauta"ws.cell(row=r,column=5).value = "Rut turno 1"ws.cell(row=r,column=6).value = "Cuidador t1"ws.cell(row=r,column=7).value = "Tipo Cuid t1"ws.cell(row=r,column=8).value = "Rut turno 2"ws.cell(row=r,column=9).value = "Cuidador t2"ws.cell(row=r,column=10).value = "Tipo Cuid t2"ws.cell(row=r,column=11).value = "Rut turno 3"ws.cell(row=r,column=12).value = "Cuidador t3"ws.cell(row=r,column=13).value = "Tipo Cuid t3"ws.cell(row=r,column=14).value = "$ turno 1"ws.cell(row=r,column=15).value = "$ turno 2"ws.cell(row=r,column=16).value = "$ turno 3"ws.cell(row=r,column=17).value = "$ paciente t1"ws.cell(row=r,column=18).value = "$ paciente t2"ws.cell(row=r,column=19).value = "$ paciente t3"ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "recargo"ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = "Tot.turnos"cell_range = ws['B1':'T4']#cell_range.bold = Truetot1=0 # valores de cuidadortot2=0tot3=0tot_pac1 = 0 # valores de paciente (o lo que pagael apoderado)tot_pac2 = 0 # valores de paciente (o lo que pagael apoderado)tot_pac3 = 0 # valores de paciente (o lo que pagael apoderado)va1=0va2=0va3=0tRecauda = 0subtot = 0rut_x = ''r=r+1for q in query: # pauta_aux - dia a diaif q.rut != rut_x:ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "Subtotal:"ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = subtotr=r+1ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "Tot.Anticipo:"totAnticipo = anticipos(rut_x,fecha_ini,fecha_fin)ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = totAnticipor=r+1ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "Recauda:"ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = subtot - totAnticipotRecauda = 0subtot = 0va1=0va2=0va3=0rut_x = q.rut # pacienter=r+2ws.cell(row=r,column=2).value = q.rutws.cell(row=r,column=3).value = q.pacientews.cell(row=r,column=4).value = q.fecha # fecha de la pautaws.cell(row=r,column=5).value = q.rut_t1 # rut cuidadorws.cell(row=r,column=6).value = q.turno1 # nombre cuidadorws.cell(row=r,column=7).value = q.tipo_turno1 # Contratado - Extraws.cell(row=r,column=8).value = q.rut_t2 # rut cuidadorws.cell(row=r,column=9).value = q.turno2 # nombre cuidadorws.cell(row=r,column=10).value = q.tipo_turno2 # Contratado - Extraws.cell(row=r,column=11).value = q.rut_t3 # rut cuidadorws.cell(row=r,column=12).value = q.turno3 # nombre cuidadorws.cell(row=r,column=13).value = q.tipo_turno3 # Contratado - Extraws.cell(row=r,column=14).value = q.valor_t1 # valor cuidador1ws.cell(row=r,column=15).value = q.valor_t2 # valor cuidador2ws.cell(row=r,column=16).value = q.valor_t3 # valor cuidador3ws.cell(row=r,column=17).value = q.valor_p1 # valor pacientews.cell(row=r,column=18).value = q.valor_p2 # valor pacientews.cell(row=r,column=19).value = q.valor_p3 # valor paciente#con recargoif q.reca_cui != '1':if q.valor_p1 != None:ws.cell(row=r,column=17).value = q.valor_p1 * 1.5if q.valor_p2 != None:ws.cell(row=r,column=18).value = q.valor_p2 * 1.5if q.valor_p3 != None:ws.cell(row=r,column=19).value = q.valor_p3 * 1.5if q.valor_p1 != None:va1 = q.valor_p1if q.valor_p2 != None:va2 = q.valor_p2if q.valor_p3 != None:va3 = q.valor_p3#con recargoif q.reca_cui != '1':if q.valor_p1 != None:va1 = q.valor_p1 * 1.5if q.valor_p2 != None:va2 = q.valor_p2 * 1.5if q.valor_p3 != None:va3 = q.valor_p3 * 1.5ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = va1 + va2 + va3subtot = subtot + va1 + va2 + va3if q.valor_t1 != None:tot1 = tot1 + q.valor_t1if q.valor_p1 != None:tot_pac1 = tot_pac1 + q.valor_p1if q.valor_t2 != None:tot2 = tot2 + q.valor_t2if q.valor_p2 != None:tot_pac2 = tot_pac2 + q.valor_p2if q.valor_t3 != None:tot3 = tot3 + q.valor_t3if q.valor_p3 != None:tot_pac3 = tot_pac3 + q.valor_p3ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = q.reca_cui # recargo cuidadorr=r+1 # contador defilasws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "Subtotal:"ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = subtotr=r+1ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "Tot.Anticipo:"totAnticipo = anticipos(rut_x,fecha_ini,fecha_fin)ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = totAnticipor=r+1ws.cell(row=r,column=20).value = "Recauda:"ws.cell(row=r,column=21).value = subtot - totAnticipotRecauda = 0#rut_x = q.rutr=r+1ws.delete_rows(5, 4) # elimina la fila 5, y mas 3 hacia abajoresponse = HttpResponse(content_type='application/vnd.ms-excel')response['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment; filename='+string_nombre+'.xlsx'wb.save(response)return responseThis is running in production well now, but if there is another way to do this, please write me to: gabrielaraya2011<arroba>gmail.com--El lunes, 25 de enero de 2021 a las 6:26:18 UTC-3, ernes...@gmail.com escribió:Hello Everyone,I have a python file which I run on the terminal and give me the result that I want. I want to to do the same via a web app whereby instead of interacting with the terminal, I can do that via a browser through a form. I have decided to choose django as the server. Below is the file that I need to integrate to django. It works well in the terminal. I also have the excel file.Now my concern was how can I integrate it with django such that fields like link_name can be filed through a form and when I click a button should give the required results. Thank you fo your time.def find_fault(request):wb = xl.load_workbook("Find Fault App Documentation.xlsx")link_name = input("Link Name: ")test_location = input("Test Location: ")distance = float(input("Distance of Fault(km): "))error = int(input("Error margin(m): "))nature = input("Nature of Fault: ").lower()for sheet in wb.worksheets:if sheet.title == link_name:for i in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):cell0 = sheet.cell(i, 1)if cell0.value == test_location:distance1 = distance * 1000 + sheet.cell(i, 2).valuefor value in range(2, sheet.max_row + 1):cell = sheet.cell(value, 2)cell1 = sheet.cell(value, 1)cell2 = sheet.cell(value, 3)if cell.value in range(int(distance1) - error, int(distance1) + error):if nature == "kink":print()print("Kink at {cell1.value}")print("Pairs at this point:")print(cell2.value)elif nature == "break":print()print("Break at {cell1.value}")print("Pairs at this point:")print(cell2.value)else:print()print("Fault at {cell1.value}")print("Pairs at this point:")print(cell2.value)for value in range(2, sheet.max_row):cell1 = sheet.cell(value, 2)cell2 = sheet.cell(value + 1, 2)cell3 = sheet.cell(value, 4)cell4 = sheet.cell(value, 1)if distance1 in range(cell1.value, cell2.value):if distance1 in range(cell1.value + error, cell2.value - error):if nature == "kink":print()print("Kink at {(distance1 - cell1.value) / 1000} ""km from {cell4.value}")print("Pair at this point >> {cell3.value}")elif nature == "break":print()print("Break at {(distance1 - cell1.value) / 1000} ""km from {cell4.value}")print("Pair at this point >> {cell3.value}")else:print()print("Fault at {(distance1 - cell1.value) / 1000} ""km from {cell4.value}")print("Pair at this point >> {cell3.value}")if distance * 1000 > (sheet.cell(sheet.max_row, 2).value - (sheet.cell(i, 2).value + error)):print()print("The Distance from {test_location} to {sheet.cell(sheet.max_row, 1).value} ")print("is about ""{(sheet.cell(sheet.max_row, 2).value - sheet.cell(i, 2).value) / 1000} km")
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