I was working on it last couple of days. Basically I came up with what Fabio's solution. Thanks Daniel for 'disabled' field comment as well.
On Saturday, March 26, 2016 at 8:49:17 AM UTC-4, Daniel Hepper wrote:
Fabio,if you are using Django 1.9, you can use the newly introduced disabled attribute on forms.Field, see https://docs.djangoproject.com/ja/1.9/ref/forms/fields/# disabled
On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 3:36:34 PM UTC+1, Fabio Caritas Barrionuevo da Luz wrote:self.fields[name].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields[name].widget.attrs['readonly']=True
is not make real readonly to field, because if user can edit the html on client side, and remove disabled="disabled" and readonly input atributtes
to problem of readonly fields, i currently use this:
https://github.com/luzfcb/django-simple-history/blob/ wip-generic-views2/simple_ history/forms.py
I prevent it here https://github.com/luzfcb/django-simple-history/blob/ wip-generic-views2/simple_ history/forms.py#L24
Usage:class FooBar(models.Model):foo = models.TextField(blank=True)bar = models.TextField(blank=True)class MyFooBarForm(forms.ModelForm):class Meta:object = FooBarfields = ('foo', 'bar')class MyReadOnlyBarForm(ReadOnlyFieldsMixin, forms.ModelForm): readonly_fields = ('bar')class Meta:object = FooBarfields = ('foo', 'bar')my_all_field_readonly_foobarForm = new_readonly_form_class( MyFooBarForm) my_foo_field_readonly_foobarForm = new_readonly_form_class( MyFooBarForm, readonly_fields=('foo',))
I do not know if this is the best approach, but it was what I got so far.On Tue, Mar 22, 2016 at 10:57 AM, Gorkem Tolan <gorke...@gmail.com> wrote:Actually I do to set permission to each field. A field in the form can be viewable and editable, only viewable, or hidden. So if user has a permission to see the form, but edit some fields in the form, it gets very tricky especially for validation.--For example I used these statements to make readonly field :self.fields[name].widget.attrs['disabled'] = 'disabled' self.fields[name].widget.attrs['readonly']=True Then the problem rises not to be able send disabled fields in the post.
On Tuesday, March 22, 2016 at 9:31:43 AM UTC-4, bobhaugen wrote:Maybe you already know this, but you can do a lot of form tinkering in __init__, like so:def __init__(self, permissions_parameter=None, *args, **kwargs):super(FormName, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)if permissions_parameter:#do a bunch of form tinkering
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