Thursday, March 31, 2016

Re: run python function in output of annotated query

no specific reason. This value is later converted to json, and consumed by javascript from Ajax call..

this was the simplest way I thought, without being obliged to rewrite an one ton of code.

( yes it is a lovely project with spaghetti code, which I hope will one day be authorized to rewrite it from scratch.  :-( )

On Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 11:28 AM, Simon Charette <> wrote:
Hi Fábio,

Since the deprecation of `SubfieldBase`[1] you must implement a
`from_db_value()`[2] method to convert the value as returned by the database
to the correct Python object.

Out of curiosity, is there a reason you are doing this the model level? It
looks like something that belongs to the form or template layer.



Le jeudi 31 mars 2016 10:15:38 UTC-4, Fabio Caritas Barrionuevo da Luz a écrit :
Hello django-users,

I have a unmanaged model, of legacy database, used only to read.

I need to clean the value of a field returned in a annotated query.

I try created a new model field inherits from TextField and override to_python method to clean the value (remove all html using python-bleach), and use in a query like:

FooBar.objects.annotate(title=ExpressionWrapper(F('html_title'), output_field=RemoveHTMLTextField())) .

I expected the method to_python was called, but it does not. 

Any idea how to solve this problem?

this is probably wrong, but it was the only way I thought so far....

import bleach
from django.db import models
from django.template.defaultfilters import striptags
from django.utils.safestring import mark_safe

class RemoveHTMLTextField(models.TextField):
    def to_python(self, value):
        original_value = super(RemoveHTMLTextField, self).to_python(value)
        striped_str = striptags(original_value)
        return mark_safe(bleach.clean(striped_str))

Fábio C. Barrionuevo da Luz
Palmas - Tocantins - Brasil - América do Sul

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Fábio C. Barrionuevo da Luz
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