Friday, January 22, 2021

Angular Material Help Required


I was hoping someone could help me with this. I know this is not angular group :P 

Requirement: errors should be displayed just after the mat-label. 

Problem: mat-error is always displayed below the matInput in angular material theme. It doesnt matter in which order I write the markup, errors are always displayed below the input. 

1. mat-errors need to be made inline in the css, I found the css code that will make this change. 
2. mat-error are always subscripted to matInput - I need help with this. 
I want to understand how this happens in the framework and how to stop this default behaviour. 
I have looked into the source code, but could not find the code responsible for this.

This change needs to be done project wide. Please suggest a solution that's ideal. 
One solution would be to extend the default angular/material directives and make the changes in those and import extended directives instead of the default directives.
Is there a better way to do this?

Thanks in advance! 

My code in theme pages
<mat-label>First name </mat-label>
<mat-error *ngIf="signUpForm.get('first_name').hasError('required')"> is required </mat-error>
<input id="name" matInput [formControlName]="'first_name'" />

I think below code is the markup of errors
<div class="mat-form-field-subscript-wrapper" [ngSwitch]="_getDisplayedMessages()">
<div *ngSwitchCase="'error'" [@transitionMessages]="_subscriptAnimationState">
<ng-content select="mat-error"></ng-content>

Chetan Ganji

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