Monday, May 31, 2010

Re: Built in password reset views resulting in Caught NoReverseMatch while rendering: Reverse for 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_confirm'

On 1/06/2010 6:20am, Cromulent wrote:
> Hi Mike,
> Thanks for the response. I did think of that. My template loaders
> setting is as follows:
> 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.Loader',
> 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.Loader',
> )
> all of my templates are stored in the template directory for each
> individual Django application to save on cross dependencies or global
> dependencies as I want to maximise the modularity of them. From
> reading the docs the app_directories loader is the correct one for
> this situation.

I'm not sure this is correct but that is just my own uncertainty because
I haven't read those docs recently. However I took a different approach
which probably came from following one of the django books.

# if templates are not found here look in app_name/templates
TEMPLATE_DIRS = (os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, 'templates')

My PROJECT_ROOT is the path to

> The problem with the filesystem loader is that you need to specify all
> your template paths in the settings file, which is something I was
> trying to avoid as the app_directories loader was what I wanted.

As you can see I only specify one templates dir. If I want to use my own
templates for an imported app (or my own for that matter) I just create
a sub-directory in TEMPLATE_DIRS and give it the app name. Django just
knows where to look and uses any template it finds there in preference
to one of the same name in the installed site-packages app.



> I guess the app_directories loader works on the order of apps listed in
> the INSTALLED_APPS tuple?

I don't know. You'd need to lok at the gjango source to get that.

> On May 31, 2:05 am, Mike Dewhirst<> wrote:
>> Simon
>> Have considered the sequence in which templates are loaded?
>> See
>> If you put the filesystem template loader ahead of the app_directories
>> django will find your own versions named identically with django
>> versions and use them instead.
>> 'django.template.loaders.filesystem.load_template_source',
>> 'django.template.loaders.app_directories.load_template_source',
>> )
>> hth
>> Mike
>> On 30/05/2010 11:49pm, Cromulent wrote:
>>> Well I got it working by changing the names of my templates to
>>> something other than the default value. This seems like a bug to me.
>>> Surely Django should use a provided template if it is available and
>>> only fall back on the built in ones as an absolute last resort?
>>> Especially as I had specified in the dictionary the correct template
>>> name and that they were available.
>>> On May 30, 10:41 am, Cromulent<> wrote:
>>>> I'm using Django 1.2.1 on Mac OS X with Python 2.6.1 if that matters.
>>>> I've read the documentation and this is what I have for my
>>>> file:
>>>> password_reset_dict = {
>>>> 'post_reset_redirect' : '/profiles/login/',
>>>> 'email_template_name' : 'registration/password_reset_email.html',
>>>> 'template_name' : 'registration/password_reset_form.html',
>>>> }
>>>> password_reset_confirm_dict = {
>>>> 'template_name' : 'registration/password_reset_confirm.html',
>>>> 'post_reset_redirect':'/profiles/login/',
>>>> }
>>>> (r'^reset/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset',
>>>> password_reset_dict),
>>>> (r'^reset/confirm/$',
>>>> 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_confirm', \
>>>> password_reset_confirm_dict),
>>>> (r'^reset/done/$', 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_done'),
>>>> (r'^reset/complete/$',
>>>> 'django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_complete'),
>>>> The strange thing is that when the error comes back the generic view
>>>> does not seem to be using the templates that I have specified in the
>>>> dictionary, instead the error points to the internal
>>>> password_reset_email.html template and this line in particular:
>>>> {{ protocol }}://{{ domain }}{% url
>>>> django.contrib.auth.views.password_reset_confirm uidb36=uid
>>>> token=token %}
>>>> I've done a fair bit of Googling and tried the various methods
>>>> mentioned but the ones that seemed most promising require you to
>>>> change the template and as it does not actually get to my template I'm
>>>> at a bit of a loss.
>>>> Can anyone tell me where I am going wrong with this at all?
>>>> Any help is very much appreciated.

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