Monday, September 1, 2014

Re: Migrating to a custom User model with South

Yes its there.
Not sure if this can cause an issue but  "myappname" is the main app for my project where the file is at..
and the CustomUser is a model inside this app

On Monday, September 1, 2014 1:50:20 PM UTC+3, Helton Alves wrote:
do you put your "myappname" in INSTALLED_APPS on settings ?

2014-09-01 8:17 GMT+01:00 Guy Tamir <>:
Hey all,

I'm trying to create a custom User model on an existing project (Django 1.5.5).
I followed this tutorial, I created the new model, ran a "schemamigration"  once, which created the tables in the DB,
also ran the "Migrate" command once with the copying code in the "forward" method (like instructed in the tutorial in bullet no. 10.

The new custom model table was created and all the previous users were copied correctly.
Now, I'm trying to change the "AUTH_USER_MODEL" to newly created custom User model, but when I run the migrate command I'm getting
this error: 
ImproperlyConfigured: AUTH_USER_MODEL refers to model 'myappname.CustomUser' that has not been installed

I'm new to South, and this is my first time trying to work with the custom User option..
Not really sure how to fix this..

Some more details:
Using Postgresql


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Helton Alves 
Desenvolvedor web
Graduado em Sistemas de Informação - FACIMP
Cursando Metodologia do Ensino Superior - INESPO

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