Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Re: Django app for data management and visualization

Hi Alessio,

How are you? Your use case is *very* similar to mine, as our department also goes down the SAP-XLS-PPT path weekly and I'm in charge of making this task easier, faster and less error prone.

Have you moved forward with this project at all? I'd love to take a look at some code, assuming you can share any of it. Have you decided on which chart API to use? And did you run into any problems due to spreadsheets being too large? Mine can have thousands and thousands of rows, so I wonder if the performance is going to be reasonable.


André Terra

PS. I'm working for an Italian multinational. I wonder if we're developing for the same folks but in different departments... hah

On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 12:30 PM, alessio c <> wrote:
Hi Javier,
maybe we could have a talk, it sounds you need something similar to what I need. Most of the reports needs a lot of ad hoc features, that is why it is really difficult to find a proper level of abstraction. However, a robust django framework could at least help to organize the work. Most of the reports are run from data extracted from some IT syistem (SAP), this means that the row data is usually following a model (which the people then mess up in Excel). So, the approach model-view can be quite powerful.
Let me know. At the moment I only have spare scripts, but it would be nice to share.
2011/4/5 Javier Guerra Giraldez <>
On Tue, Apr 5, 2011 at 10:06 AM, alessio c <> wrote:
> yes I do. I need more basic stuff then that and I need tables. Think of this
> as tentative to reduce Excel use (which is killing me).

I feel your pain

what i'm currently doing is to use jqGrid as a frontend for tables.  i
wrote a small framework adaptor that lets me write a small class with
a Queryset, a few column description and optionally some extra data
transformations.  the superclasses take care of generating the JS
description and AJAX-handling views.

the advantage of jqGrid is that it makes very easy to handle record
selection, add/edit/delete/search operations, and sometimes in-cell
editing.  in sum, the users don't miss so much their excel sheets.

i plan to eventually share the python code; but it's still in heavy
flux, every new project demands significant modifications.


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