Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Re: Subdomain/Accounts

Tim's solution would obviously work, but it sounds to me like you would need to manually configure a subdomain (including a copy of for each user. Widoyo's solution (or rather, Ross Poulton's linked solution) would also work but requires quite a lot of boilerplate code in your views to retrieve the current username.

I don't know what web server you intend to use, but could you not handle the problem at this level by using URL rewriting? It shouldn't be hard to write a rule[1] to map* to*. Once you've done this, you can use standard a Django URLConf and not worry about what the actual domain name is :)


[1]: There's an example of what is essentially this rule for Apache here:

Tim Sawyer
29 December 2010 17:58

I did this with one per subdomain, using the sites framework.  So each had a different SITE_ID.

Here's how to limit admin to a given user's records:

This helps with droplists in admin:

The above posts also show how to use a manager to limit the records, so you can do

Blog.objects.all() to get all records across all sites, and
Blog.on_site.all() to get the records only for the current site.

Hope that helps,


23 December 2010 04:29


I'm new to Django and thinking of using it for a project.

In this project, there will be accounts and each account will have a
Based on the subdomain/account, the user will just see the records
that belongs to them.
The tables will be unique for all accounts, so there should be a field
to identify the account/records....

I think this is maybe a common task and that there is a "right" way to
do this...

Can someone give me some tips on where to get started with this ??



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