Thursday, July 28, 2011

Re: Query about Django vs Web2Py

in my opinion its your decision, I have done some django and currently exploring web2py bit by bit. I think in Django you have much more control from start while in web2py you can start write off and then at some point when you need more complex behavior to implement you can go back and override stuff, also I heard never tried but web2py's models are more compatible with GAE while in django you have to redo them to be compliant with GAE. The Gurus can shed more light on it :)

On Thu, Jul 28, 2011 at 3:54 PM, <> wrote:
Hello fellow Django users,

First, this is not to start any flame war, but to get sincere advice. 

I started to learn Django and also completed the tutorial. However I have also come across another framework Web2Py. I wanted to get the perspective of django users on this framework and its comparison with django. Any constructive thoughts will be really helpful for me to decide whether I need to learn both of I can continue my focus on django.

Thanks and Regards,

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